The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)

In some Hadith, Yazid has only been indicated and in some he has been explicitly mentioned, that,

```the first person in the Ummah to change the Sunnah and to destroy the Deen will be a person from Bani Ummayyah called Yazid.```

Reference :

★ Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba,

★ Dalaail Un Nabuwwah lil Baihaqi

★ Imam Abu Ya'ala has written in his "Musnad"

★ Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani has written in his "Al-Matalib al A'aliya”

★ Imam Shahabuddin Ahmed bin Hajar Haitami in “As- Sawaaiq Al Muhriqa”

★ Imam Ibn Katheer in "Bidayah Wan Nihayah"

★ Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti in "Tarikh Al Khulafa."

সনদ পর্যালোচনা : About Sanad :

The great Muhaddith of the 3rd century Hijri
Imam Abu Ya'ala has recorded a Hadith along with its chain of narration in his Musnad Vol 2, Pg No. 71:

It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: The affairs of Ummah will be maintained with justice, till a person from Bani Ummayyah will be first to cast a crack in the religion. He will be called Yazid. All the narrators of this Hadith are honest and reliable.

The aforementioned Hadith has also been recorded by the great Muhaddith Imam Shahabuddin Ahmed bin Hajar Haitami in As Sawaaiq Al Muhriqa, Pg no. 132. He has recorded another Hadith in this regard in the same book on Pg No. 132.

Hadhrat Abu Darda (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) relates: I heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) say: The first person to change My Sunnah will be a person from Bani Ummayyah who will be called Yazid."

Imam Ibn Katheer has recorded the same Hadith in Bidayah wan Nihayah, Vol 6, Pg No. 256 on the authority of Hadhrat Abuzar Ghifari (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him). In that narration, the words, "who will be called Yazid," are not related.

★ Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba, Vol 8, Pg No. 341. Hadith no. 145

★ Dalaail Un Nabuwwah lil Baihaqi- Abwab Ghazwa Tabuk, Hadith No.2802

★ Matalib al A'aliyah, Kitabul Futooh, Hadith No.4584.

হাদিসটির বিভিন্ন সুত্র (Different Sanads of this Hadith) :


Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him)


Hadhrat Abu Darda (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him)


Hadhrat Abuzar Ghifari (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him).



Amr bin Yahya Sae'ed bin 'Amr bin Sae'ed narrates on the authority of his paternal grandfather; that he said: I was sitting along with Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) in Masjid Nabawi in Madina and Marwan was along with us.

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) said: I heard the truthful Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) say:

My Ummah will be destroyed at the hands of a few young men of the Quraish. Marwan said: Allah curse such youngsters. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) said: I can say 'so and so, son of so and so and so and so, son of so and so, if I want to. Hadhrat 'Amr bin Yahya says, I, along with my grandfather, went to Bani Marwan when they were ruling over Syria and found that he was a young boy and my grandfather said shortly they will also become one of them. We said you understand this better.

Reference :

Sahib Bukhari, Vol 2, Kitab ul Fitan.


THE RULE OF LADS (the first youngster would become a ruler in 60 A.H."He was Yazid.")

There is a Hadith in Musnad Imam Ahmed. (Hadith No: 3800)
Translation: It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Ask for Allah's protection, against the start of the decade of 70 and against the against the rule of young men."

The interpreter of Sahih Bukhari and the author of Fath Ul Bari, Hafidh Ahmed bin 
Hajar Asqalani (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him), mentions another 
Hadith on the authority of "Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba, and writes:

The Hadith of Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba says that Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) even while passing through markets, used to pray, 'O Allah SWT, 
let me not reach 60 A.H. and the rule of youngsters.'"

Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) writes after mentioning this Hadith:

In this Hadith, it is indicated that the first youngster would become a ruler in 60 A.H.

Accordingly this is what happened. Yazid bin Mua'awiyah occupied the seat in this year, stayed there till 64 A.H. and died.

The interpreter of Sahih Bukhari, Imam Badruddin 'Aini Hanafi (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) specifies what is meant by "the first child to rule" in Umdat ul Qari/ Vol 16, Pg No. 333. He writes:

"The first youngster to rule was Yazid."

It is mentioned in the Hadith, which mention the tribulations close to the Qiyamah, 

"Then those who invite towards misguidance will arrive."

In the interpretation of this Hadith, Hadhrat Shah Waliullah (May Allah SWT shower His 
Mercy on him) writes in Hujjatullah il Baligha,. Vol 2, Pg No. 213;




Ibn Zyad himself said that Yazid ordered him to martyr Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) on the threat of death.

Imam Ibn Atheer (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) records the confession of Ibn Zyad.

Translation: "Now, about my martyring Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him), the fact is that Yazid ordered me to do this. He threatened to kill me if I didn't, so I martyred Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him)."

According to Islamic Law, if any person murders anybody else, then as a punishment, the murderer is killed. But Yazid neither killed Ibn Zyad, Shimar or other officials nor dismissed them from their offices. Instead, he expressed his happiness. Afterwards, out of fear that the situation might go out of control he expressed some sorrow in a formal, political manner.

^In fact, this wretched man

used his stick to poke at the teeth of Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him), those teeth, which the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) kissed.


★ Imam Ibn Atheer (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) has written in Tarikh Kamil

★ Imam Ibn Katheer (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) in Bidayah wan Nihayah

★ Imam Tabari (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) in Tarikh Tabari.



Abu Muhnaf relates on the authority of Abu Hamza Thimali, who relates on the authority of Abdullah Yamani, who relates on the authority of Qasim, who said:

When the blessed head of Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) was placed before Yazid, he had a stick in his hands with which he started poking at the teeth of Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him).

Then he said:

“Verily, ours and his example is as said by Hisseen bin Hamam Mari: Our swords smash the skulls of those who have strength and domination over us; and of those who are really disobedient and oppressors."

Hadhrat Abu Bazrah Aslami
(May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) said:

Listen O Yazid! By Allah! Your stick is touching that spot, which I witnessed the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used to kiss. Then he said: Beware, O Yazid! On the day of judgment, Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) will arrive with such grandeur that his intercessor will be the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and you will arrive in such a state that Ibn Zyad will be yours."


★ Bidayah wan Nihayah, Vol 8, Pg No. 215, at the end of the aforementioned Hadith, it is mentioned →→ 

""At that time, Hadhrat Abu Bazrah Aslami (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) said:

Remove your stick! By Allah! I have often seen the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) place His mouth on the mouth of Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) and kiss it.""



Due to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him), the people of Madina became strongly opposed to Yazid and pledged their allegiance to Hadhrat Abdullah bin Hanzlah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him).

Yazid sent an army to attack Madina, which attacked the people of Madina and persecuted its citizens. On that occasion, Hadhrat Abdullah bin Hanzlah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) spoke to the people of Makkah and described the un-islamic activities of Yazid.``````


★ Hadhrat Muhammad bin Sa'ad (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) who is a Muhaddith as well as a historian, has written in Tabaqaat e Kubra, Vol 5 Pg No. 66.


Imam Abu Ja'afar Muhammad bin Jarir Al Tabari (Rah) 

````The people of Madina agreed to pledge their allegiance to Hadhrat Abdullah bin Hanzlah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) and gave him authority over their affairs. He took the pledge from them to fight till their last breath. Then he said:

O my community! Fear Allah, who has got not equal. By Allah! We stood up against Yazid, when we feared that stones would be rained on us from the sky. He is such a person, who declares marriage with mothers, daughters and sisters as permissible (Jayaz), who drinks wine and abandons Salaat. By Allah! If no one from the people supported me, even then I will use my courage and bravery in this matter for the sake of Allah SWT."


Imam Abu Ja'afar Muhammad bin Jarir Al Tabari (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him), writes in Tarikh Tabari, Vol 1, Pg No. 403:

They (the delegation from the people of Madina, after returning from Yazid) said:

"We come from such a person, who has got no Deen. He drinks wine, plays tambourines, songstresses dance before him, he plays with dogs and listens to stories with thieves and rascals. O people! We make you a witness that we break our pledge given to him. Then all the people of Madina broke their pledge. People came to Hadhrat Abdullah bin Hanzlah (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him)and pledged their allegiance to him.``````


★ Imam Ibn Atheer (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) writes in Tarikh Kamil Vol 3, Pg no. 337,
The great Tabi'e Hadhrat Hasan Basri (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) says about Yazid: He was a drunkard of the last degree, he wore silk and played with tambourines."

★ It is written in Tarikh Kamil, Vol 3 Pg No. 465 :

Translation: Yazid performed Hajj in the life of his father. When he reached Madina Munawwarah, he started drinking wine."


Imam Ibn Katheer
(May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him)

writes in Bidayahwan Nihayah,
Vol 6, Pg No. 262:


The reason for the incident of Hira is that a delegation from Madina went to Damascus to meet Yazid. When they returned, they related Yazid's habit of drinking and his other bad habit to their families. The worst among his habit was that he missed Salaat because of wine.

For this reason, the people of Madina agreed to break their pledge of allegiance. They declared this near the Prophet's Pulpit in Masjid Nabawi.

When Yazid came to know this, he sent an army to Madina Munawwarah. The leader of the army was a person named Muslim bin 'Uqba.

The Pious Elders (Salaf Saliheen) have also addressed this person as Musrif bin 'Uqba. When he entered Madina, he declared the lives of the Madinians and their property as "Mubah" for 3 days, which meant that for 3 days, the army could do whatever they liked with the lives and the property of the people of Madina. Thus, in those 3 days, he martyred hundreds of people. 


There is Tradition in Imam Baihaqi's Dalaail Un Nabuwwa 


It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Mugheera (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) that Musrif bin 'Uqba looted Madina for 3 days and raped 1000, unwed, chaste daughters of Islam.


It is written in Tabaqat Al kubra, Vol 5, Pg No.66:

Muslim bin 'Uqba attacked Madina with his army. Yazid's army martyred 700 Hafidh of the Holy Quran, raped 1000 unwed, chaste Muslim women and for 3 days, there could not be any Adhaan and Salaat in Masjid Nabawi.




````There is a Hadith in Musnad Ahmed, Musnad madaniyyen Hadith No. 15962.


It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Saib bin Khalad (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Whoever frightens the people of Madina by their oppression, Allah SWT will frighten him and on him rests the curse of Allah SWT, of the angels and of all the people. Allah SWT will not accept any obligatory (Fardh) of optional (nafl) act from such a person the Day of Judgment. `````



It is written in Tarikh Kamil, Vol 3, Pg. No. 464:

"To the extent that when 3 days of Rabe'e ul Awwal passed, they stoned the Ka'aba with their cannons, burnt it and started singing thus:

"We have tremendous power and courage; we stone this Masjid with cannons."


"May Allah curse him and his helpers."

★ In the basic tract of beliefs (Aqaaid), which is taught in most Madrasas, Sharh Aqaaid Nasafi,

→ → Imam Sa'aduddin Taftazani (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) writes:

"Some Imams, because of ordering the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, declare him as a disbeliever (kafir) and defector (murtad), and hold cursing Yazid as permissible.

The scholars of this Ummah are in agreement on the permissibility of cursing those martyred Imam Hussain and those who ordered it or those consider it (the martyrdom) as permissible and those who became happy on it.

The fact is that Yazid's agreement on the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, his being happy with it and his insulting the Ahle Bait is well established by those traditions, which are in effect, equal to the "mutawatir" (popular) Traditions, even though its details may not be established by a first-hand report (Khabr Wahid). So we cannot exercise restraint on Yazid, but we will exercise restraint about the Iman of Yazid.

May Allah curse him and his helpers."




→ → "Raziallahu anhu" is used specially for the Sahabah and for those pure souls, whose hearts are filled with fear and awe of Allah SWT, as Allah SWT himself says: 
(see Surah Bayyinah-08.)

NOTE : ~~~ The aforementioned Hadith and the interpretations of the Imams make it clear that Yazid was wretched. He changed the Sunnah, he cast a crack in the Deen.

★ He insulted the Haramain, he insulted the Ahle Bait. Using "raziallahu anhu" for such a person is to respect him and this is equal to destroying the edifice of Islam.

This is to invite Allah's anger and misguidance. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has declared respecting an innovator (bida'ati) as helping to destroy the edifice of Islam.~~~

→→ There is a Hadith in Imam Tabarani's Mo'jam ausat (Hadith No: 6263).

It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqua (May Allah SWT be well pleased with her) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

"Whoever respects an innovator, verily he helps in destroying Islam."""""

→→ There is a Hadith in Imam Baihaqi's Shu'abul Iman:

It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Anas (May Allah SWT be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

When a innovator (bid’ati) is respected, Allah SWT expresses His anger and because of it, the 'Arsh trembles."




★★★ The just Caliph of Bani Ummayyah, 
MUJADDID OF HIJRI 1ST CENTURY Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul 'Aziz

(May Allah SWT be well pleased with him)

declared the person who addressed Yazid as "Raziallahu anhu" as liable to be punished.

This is written in "Tahdheeb ul Tahdheeb", the authoritative book on Rijal (the science of the classification of men, for the purpose of categorizing the Hadith), by

Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani, in Vol 11, the letter "ya", Pg No. 316.

Imam Ibn HajarHaitamu has written in "As Sawaiiq Al Muhriqa" on Pg No. 132 and

Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) in Tarikh ul Khulafa 
Pg No. 166.

Nouful bin Abu Aqrab states that,

“I was in the presence of Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul 'Aziz (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him), one person while talking about Yazid said,

"Amir Ul Momineen Yazid said so and so and Amir Ul Momineen said so and so"

Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul 'Aziz (May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him) said

"You address Yazid as ‘Amir Ul Momineen’?" and ordered that he should be lashed 20 times. Hence, he was lashed 20 times."


Reply to Dr zakir about Yazeed(LA)

Imam Badruddin 'Aini

(May Allah SWT shower His Mercy on him)

writes in the interpretation of the Hadith:

"My Ummah will be destroyed at the hands of a few lads of Quraish..."

Yazid was the first among those lads and wrote along with Yazid's name:

"On him is what he deserves!"

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